Surah At-tariq|Surah Tariq full hd arabic text| 086 Surah of Holy Quran ...



Emotional and Heat touching qirat of surah At-Tariq. Islamic urdu research will posting such type of video’s regularly Insha-allah. Please support our Channel by SUBCRIBING, SHARING, LIKING and COMMENTING on these video’s.

Quran-e-kareem is the last and complete guidance that is revealed by Allah upto his last messenger Muhammad (S.W.A).

Surah At-Tariq is the 086 surah of the Holy Quran. It has 17 verses. It is Meccan surah and all the muslim believe that when this surah was sent to Muhammad (S.A.W), Muhammad was in Macca.

The meaning of this surah is “The Piercing Star” or “ The knightcomer”  

Surah al feel |Surah feel full with hd arabic text | سورة الفيل | सुरा ...

Emotional and Heat touching qirat of surah ala. Islamic urdu research will posting such type of video’s regularly Insha-allah. Please suppor...